Wednesday, February 16, 2022

"Tangled" VR Experience Sprint #2 and #3

 For Sprint #2 of the "Tangled" VR Experience I was tasked with posing Pascal in certain poses that he will do during the storyline of the experience. Below is a screen shot of them ready to be used, but still need to be fixed and animated.

For Sprint #3 I was in charge of the water VFX! I made a Particle System for the water splash when the oar hits the water. Afterwards I created a Niagara System for the water splashing off the sides of the boat as it moves. I still need to slow down how quickly the water particles travel. I'm not the best at blueprints and using Unreal Engine, so I'm pretty proud of myself! Neither of these are in the experience just yet, so here are the screenshots of them in Unreal!

Pokemon VR Experience: Final Sprint

 This sprint I re-did two of the Professor's animations! The original animations were causing issues so I replaced them with these. Now ...