This sprint I re-did two of the Professor's animations! The original animations were causing issues so I replaced them with these. Now the Professor doesn't awkwardly wave during battle and when he wins he looks excited!
Hannah Makholm FIEA Art Blog
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Pokemon VR Experience: Summer Sprint #5
This sprint was mostly house keeping and polishing. After updating the animation asset list, I checked in with each animator to make sure that their animations were correctly imported and completed. Once the team noticed that some animations will still not working properly in the game, I delegated the tasks to the animators that wanted to tackle them. Afterwards, I was on "stand-by" in order to help out with any road blocks my fellow animators had before our next critique presentation.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Pokemon VR Experience: Summer Sprint #4
Before and during my time out of town, I was working on a solution for the Professor's Pokeball throwing animation and his Idle (where he also has the Pokeball in his hand). I tried importing into Unreal Engine and exporting the animation from Maya a handful of different ways- to no luck. I updated one of our Tech Artists on the problem and the task has now been shifted to them in order to find a solution. For the next upcoming sprint I'll be back to making sure all animations are refined and in engine, ready to go.
Below is how the import looks currently.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Pokemon VR Experience: Summer Sprint 3
This sprint was all about animating the Professor! I was in charge of his walk, idle, and talking animation. I'm having importing troubles with his Pokeball which will be addressed at the beginning of next sprint.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Pokémon VR Experience (Summer Sprint #2)
For this sprint all of the animators tackled Squirtle! I was in charge of four animations: Idle, Notice Me, Faint, and Being Carried. Below are some recordings of them in engine!
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Pokemon VR Experience (Summer Sprint #1)
This sprint I met with all of the team's animators and went over the entire animation list. It is now color coded and every animation is assigned. Each animator was assigned an equal amount of animations to complete.
My animations were Bulbasaur's Growl and Flinch. These animations were prioritized in order for them to be put into the battling state machine.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Pokemon VR Experience (Sprint #7)
After lots of help from my team to help fix up Squirtle to be animation ready, he's ready to be put into the experience! Other than trying my best to fix the rig, I tackled Squirtle's carry, fall, and land animations.
Pokemon VR Experience: Final Sprint
This sprint I re-did two of the Professor's animations! The original animations were causing issues so I replaced them with these. Now ...
For Sprint #2 of the "Tangled" VR Experience I was tasked with posing Pascal in certain poses that he will do during the storylin...
This sprint I met with all of the team's animators and went over the entire animation list. It is now color coded and every animation i...
This sprint I re-did two of the Professor's animations! The original animations were causing issues so I replaced them with these. Now ...